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Monday, June 6, 2011

Biography on a Ray of Hope

So, the last thing that I had to do for Testogenuis festival was to send a bio to them.  With everything that I've had to do in the last week, it fell to the wayside.  I'm writing the bio and for the first time I'm streamlining my career down to just writing.  And two things occur to me:  first, this is the first time that I've written a bio that focused on me as a playwright.  Second, the bio could be depressing as hell.  I mean, here I am calling myself a playwright when this is the first time that I've gotten a professional treatment.  I thought about the stuff that I had mostly written, sitting incomplete in files on my computer.  I thought about the rejections that I've gotten in the past.  The last time that I've had a play produced was by my own college and I had picked them to be produced.

The last professional treatment was at the Youth Playwrighting Festival in 2006 at the Horizon Theatre in Atlanta.

But then I thought that this was an opportunity.  This isn't the summation of my career, it's the notation of the beginning.  Writing "The Errant Knaves" took some work, but it did get done.  It's possible, I'm capable of it.  They're not mostly unfinished plays, they're opportunities, they're chances, they're beginnings.

It's been a crammed last couple of weeks, between moving, two jobs, graduation and everything.  A Midsummer Night's Play Festival is happening this weekend (!!!) and I couldn't be more excited for it!  Things are coming together and life is good!

Going to go write something now!

And, as usual, a picture that I find when I Google "budapest theater".

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